Entity MTEXT is used to store the variables passed to the renderer and variables added during parametrization. The format of the text in the entity is as follows:

Available variables:

----- build in -----
c: const
?: undefined
<variable_name>: <short_description>

----- custom -----
<variable_name>: <variable_value>

Variables in the ----- build in ----- in section are the variables that are passed to the renderer. They can be added for better readability of parametrized DXF file. Custom variables can be also added to the ----- custom ----- section. Those variables might come in handy during the parametrization process - to simplify the expressions describing the entities. During parametrization variables can be used from the ----- build in ----- section as well as from the ----- custom ----- section.

QCAD Professional with MTEXT dialog window opened

QCAD Professional with MTEXT dialog window opened


Only ONE explicit MTEXT entity is allowed in the DXF file. If there is a need to add more MTEXT entities they need to be packed into INSERT entity as a part of a block and then parametrized.


MTEXT entity must be in a exact format as described above. Otherwise the parametrization process will fail.